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Đăng ký đã đóng
Join us for this 24 hours Event

Every year we invite our community, partners and end-users to come and meet us! It's the ideal event to get together and present new features, roadmap of future versions, achievements of the software, workshops, training sessions, etc.... This event is also an opportunity to showcase our partners' case studies, methodology or developments. Be there and see directly from the source the features of the new version!

Ngày & Giờ
Thứ Năm
21 tháng 10, 2021
11:00 15:30 US/Pacific
Địa điểm

Los Angeles Convention Center

1201 S Figueroa St
Los Angeles CA 90015
Hợp chủng quốc Hoa Kỳ
--Los Angeles Convention Center--
Xem chỉ đường
Nhà Tổ chức

My Company (San Francisco)

--My Company (San Francisco)--
+1 (650) 555-0111

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